What is wrong with my cucumbers?!

Cucumber    None Given

Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with my cucumber plants? They grew quite well, but recently all my leaves have developed these yellow splotches and my now growing cucumbers have these dark green bases. Some newly growing cucumbers have shriveled up and died. The same thing happened to all my cucumber plants at the end of the growing season last year, effectively ending my cucumber growing season. Seeing as the season is new and I have yet to have one delicious cucumber, I do not want my plants to die! I tried neem oil and a fungicide powder last year, but neither were effective. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Posted by: Jaime Seamans (1 point) Jaime Seamans
Posted: July 22, 2016


It looks like Cucumber Mosaic Virus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucumbe...), but virus disease cannot be exactly diagnosed by picture only.
It has the widest host range of any known plant virus, and can be transmitted from plant to plant both mechanically by sap and by aphids. It can also be transmitted in seeds and by the parasitic weed.

Posted by: alex ignatov (1 point) alex ignatov
Posted: July 22, 2016

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