My papaya plant is sick can anybody identify what this could be?

Papaya (pawpaw)    Ontario,SoCal,USA

What concerns me the most is the fact the new growth leaves are shriveling inwards. the leaves especially the new growth leaves, have small white dots everywhere and the plant refuses to grow. Im sure I'm not over watering it since my soil drains quickly and when I dig a few inches soil is moist but not wet. I'm sure it isn't space since the pots are large enough to support fruit once they reach adulthood. The soil allows decent circulation and it's a cactus mix composed of humus perlite and sand .It has been fetilized normally like the rest of my plants so it isn't a nutrition problem. The rest of my papaya plants are thriving while this one is just sad looking in the corner refusing to grow and sick. I doubt sunlight is a problem since the rest of the plants grow great in the same area with lush large green leaves. Please help me I don't wanna lose this one.

Posted by: Wilson_dan (1 point) Wilson_dan
Posted: July 19, 2017


Hi Wilson, it looks like your plant is infested with spider mite. The spider mites are very small (0.5 mm long) can only be seen through magnifying glass. Usually they are yellow -green or red color with or without two dark spots. Both young ones and adults suck the sap from the undersurface of leaves resulting in the formation of white or yellow speckles on the leaves (due to reduction in chlorophyll). In severe case, the leaves become dry and drop off, plants become stunted. The mites also produce webbing on the leaf surfaces. Normally the mites spread through wind to new leaves or plants.
You can spray neem oil or dust with sulfur or other suitable miticides to control the mites.


Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: July 19, 2017

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