Orange yellow balls on basil are they harmful?

Basil    None Given

I found these on July 2, 2017 in my garden on one of the basil leaves. I didn't know if it would be harmful to my basil so I removed it. After doing multiple searches I still had no luck, All the searches were talking about the water retaining balls in soil. Anyway will this harm my basil? I would like to know in case it shows up again

Posted by: Benjamin mcneill (1 point) Benjamin mcneill
Posted: July 2, 2017


They are the eggs of a caterpillar . It would be possible to narrow down the list of possible species if you provide your location. But it doesnt really matter since all caterpillars are bad for your basil.
Notice how they are arranged in rows and tightly clumped. This is the way the mother butterfly or moth deposited them. You should search around for more and get rid of them. Drop the leaf into soapy water, place in a sealed bag or burn it. Dont just throw it away in the garden.
Have a look around for actual caterpillars. This can be controlled by brushing them into a bucket of soapy water. Hold the leaf over the water and using a brush or stick flick the caterpillar in. There are other approaches too such as the encouragement of natural enemies such as lady beetles.

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: July 2, 2017

Madhav commented,
Thank you David, i have seen these on my basil in the field and also on the soil near it's base. I promptly destroyed them. Didn't see any caterpillar infestation on basil thereafter.
almost 7 years ago.

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