Artropod asociated Fungus gnat attack

Pepper, bell    None Given


I have taken this picture with my 50X digital microscope of one bug, asociated with fungus gnat attacking the stem of pepper bell.

We whant to know if this artropd is a good one or if it is some enemy to pay attention.

It seems to loose one antenna.

If you know the name or group of artropod i would appreciate it.


Posted by: Fernando Hernandez (1 point) Fernando Hernandez
Posted: June 28, 2017

Fernando Hernandez commented,
https://youtu.be/eFGQtV3t6L8 This video was made after you gave me an answer of my question. In this video you can see the direct damage of this pest over bell pepper crop. Thanks for your help
over 6 years ago.


This is a symphylan, commonly refered to as a garden centipede (though note, they're not centipedes, which are Chilopoda). Only about 200 species are known worldwide, so it's not a terribly diverse group, but they can be commonly found in soil.

Some species can be pestiferous on the roots of crops. For example, see the Penn State fact sheet about Scutigerella immaculata: http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factshe...

I can't tell whether it's a pest species or just an innocuous soil-dweller based on the photo. Considering that you're not reporting a lot of damage to the roots of the pepper, I suspect it's not a pest, or at least not at pestiferous levels.

Posted by: Michael Skvarla (4 points) Michael Skvarla
Posted: June 30, 2017

Fernando Hernandez commented,
Thanks a lot for your fast answer, there are too many plants affected by these artropods. We are starting to manage the population of this problem. Thanks againg to confirm the name of the problem.
almost 7 years ago.

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