Pear blossom shrivel

Pear    Europe

I suspected it was Erwinia amilovora last year, but I considered that, except bloom fall, there were no black, involuted branches. So now I think that it may be Monilia laxa but I'm not so sure because I sprinkled against it, but no avail.... Could it be something new?

Posted by: Janko (1 point) Janko
Posted: April 9, 2017

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
Hi Janko, Is it possible to upload some images? And which chemical did you spray?
about 7 years ago.

Janko commented,
Unfortunally I can't upload pictures because the flowers have already fallen but I can say they had turned brown and had not remained on the twigs.There are several fruit bodies on the tree now and the tree seems ok.
about 7 years ago.

Janko commented,
I have used a chemical registered here in Croatia.('Signum').
about 7 years ago.

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