Growing mint with gomphrena amaranth.

Mint    Karachi, Pakistan

I have this large pot and I got this idea of growing spearmint (podina) with the gomphrena seeds that I have. I got gomphrena from the seed store after I asked what can I plant right now that will give me flowers and soon. I have divided the pots with some unused pieces of ceramic tiles but its not dividing the pot much deep (see photo for reference). Is it at all possible for me to grow mint and gomphrena in these separate sections?

Posted by: Naveed (1 point) Naveed
Posted: May 20, 2016


yes, it should be OK. The division is OK. But generally a food plant is not usually grown with flowers. The danger to worry about is if the flowers dominant the mint.
Mint plant spread very quickly so may grow around your tiles

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: May 21, 2016

Naveed commented,
That's great to hear that there's some guarantee this will work. I am not too excited about gomphrena honestly. So here's what I'll do, i'll push the tiles further deep and give this a shot. Thanks David!
almost 8 years ago.

Liz Leos commented,
I keep getting worms on my mint plant that eat all the leafs off. What can I do??
over 7 years ago.

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