Foliar issues on old variety of pear -- What is this?

Pear    None Given

red marks and somewhat 'gummy' feeling touching the red parts. The problem affects the top leaves, very young plant transplanted last autumn.

Posted by: barbuto (2 points) barbuto
Posted: June 5, 2016


I think it may be Entomosporium Leaf Spot, a fungal disease caused by Entomosporium maculatum. The symptoms include appearance of circular, small red spots on young leaves. As the disease progress this spots may coalesce to form blotches. The disease is favored by cool and wet weather. Please remove the infected leaves and burn them. Also avoid wetting of leaf surface while watering. Provide proper air circulation around plant.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: June 6, 2016

I received some input from Kari Peters at Penn State that the problem may in fact be insect related. Pergaps rosy aphids? Can you see any small insects on the underside of the leaf?

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: June 6, 2016

barbuto commented,
aphids did attack the pear actually. I fought them and they seem to be gone, but of course they could have damaged the leaves before
almost 8 years ago.

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