chillipepper root destroyed

Chilli Pepper    india

chilli pepper have root destroyed decease in our area what the problem and which type of chemical use to control...?

Posted by: ramprasad (2 points) ramprasad
Posted: October 9, 2016


This is an impossible answer question based on images. Root diseases are difficult to diagnose fro images. You could have problems with soil chemistry, soil fungi, too much water, bacteria or nematodes (among other things)

It is not correct to suggest chemicals without an accurate diagnosis

Is there any way you can get the soil tested? Are you near a Governent/University lab?

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: October 9, 2016

I am in agreement with David, this is an impossible answer question based on images.
However, I think it could be Phytophthora capsici.

Posted by: Dr. Raffaele Giurato (6 points) Dr. Raffaele Giurato
Posted: October 10, 2016

Usually in this stage of plant it is attacked by a clomplex of fungi to consequence of high soil moisture, no soil sterelization, very high nitrogen fertilization with deficient ilumination, poor drainage, etc, etc.
This disease is called "damping off" and is provocated by Phythophthora, Phytium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium and others.

Posted by: Juan Tizcareño Iracheta (4 points) Juan Tizcareño Iracheta
Posted: February 4, 2017

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