How to cut off Rhubarb flower?

Rhubarb    Lausanne, Switzerland

My Rhubarb plant is producing a flower, which I understand should be cut off immediately so that the plant will not put any more energy into it, rather than the leaves. Is it enough to just cut off the the flower, or would it be better to remove pretty much the entire stalk?

Posted by: deactivated (25 points) deactivated
Posted: May 5, 2013


Cut the whole stalk. The stems (edible part) are attached at the base, and the stem is only for the flower. My rhubarb flowered last year, and I was fascinated by the development from the curious shiny "bud" to the little green brainlike thing that emerged to the tall flowering stalk.

I was trying to give the plant away last year, so I wasn't concerned about lower production. But now I have more rhubarb, not less. A couple people dug up root chunks, and that must have encouraged the plant to produce more crowns. I now have 4 root crowns!

Posted by: Tanya in the Garden (128 points) Tanya in the Garden
Posted: May 6, 2013

I agree with Tanya--if you're going to cut the flower, you may as well take the entire stalk. Also, it won't hurt to give your rhubarb a boost--some well-aged fertilizer early in the season (probably too late at this point) or some fish emulsion directly on the leaves. It will give your rhubarb some much-needed nutrients.

Posted by: Samantha Burns (15 points) Samantha Burns
Posted: May 7, 2013

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