Fruiting abortion in oil palm

Oil palm    None Given

What causes oil palm to abort on going fruition and what's the remedy?

Posted by: James Osikoya (1 point) James Osikoya
Posted: July 3, 2016

Howard Goh commented,
Weather changes can have an effect on abortion. Too dry or too wet may cause to lower the rate of flowering and successful pollination. The other reason, most likely, is the nutrient imbalance. The element P perhaps needs to elevate depend on soil type. You may want to incorporate element B and Cu into your NPKMg.
almost 8 years ago.


Weather changes can have an effect on abortion. Too dry or too wet may cause to lower the rate of flowering and successful pollination. The other reason, most likely, is the nutrient imbalance. The element P perhaps needs to elevate depend on soil type. You may want to incorporate element B and Cu into your NPKMg.

Posted by: Howard Goh (2 points) Howard Goh
Posted: July 4, 2016

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