What to plant between rows of tomato?

General    WI

I was thinking of squeezing some extra lettuce varieties in to my beds between the rows of tomato, that should be ok, right? I assume the lettuce will be ready to harvest before the toms get too large. Has anyone encountered any problems doing this?

Posted by: Maddy Kendall (1 point) Maddy Kendall
Posted: March 16, 2013


Maddy, I have not tried this but having grown lots of tomatoes and lots of lettuce, I don't see why it would not work out as long as the lettuce matures and is ready to eat before the tomatoes get about 2-3 feet high and start to obscure the light to the lettuce. You may want to leave a little bit of extra space between your rows of tomatoes to make it easier to pick the lettuce. You could even include a few basil plants in the lettuce row as others suggested. Lettuce can be planted a bit earlier than tomatoes because it is more cold tolerant, so check the "days to harvest" for your lettuce varieties and plant them in the tomato bed early enough for them to mature before the tomatoes get huge. I am not sure where you are located, but in my USDA zone (6) I would plant the lettuce in early May and put the tomatoes in in late May, then harvest the lettuce in June before it gets very hot. Lettuce will not grow well in your garden in July/August (usually it bolts to flowering right away), although some varieties may be resistant to bolting (check your seed descriptions).

Posted by: Kerry Mauck (58 points) Kerry Mauck
Posted: March 17, 2013

I have planted a mixture or radishes for the immature seed pods, cilantro for the shade cast from the tomato and basil for easy access around my tomatoes. Lettuce I had planted grew just fine but I planted it on the southern side of the tomatoes not the north east side and it got hot and bolted pretty fast. So consider spatially how your tomatoes plants as they go to maturity will interact with the lettuces home Providing it nice cool shade extending its season or blocking out too much light inhibiting growth or even which direction the wind is coming from. Will the tomatoes block the wind and keep the lettuce too wet?

Horticulture is all a big observation.
By all means plant lettuce around them and see where it grows the best, bolts first, is too wet, doesn't get enough sun and then go off that next year. Only thing your bound to lose is some lettuce seed and think of what you can gain.

Posted by: Wurgulf (1 point) Wurgulf
Posted: March 28, 2013

Green beans or any type of legume is great. it fixes additional Nitrogen in the soil which benefits your tomatoes. Just give enough water for both.

Posted by: Cornelis (2 points) Cornelis
Posted: April 11, 2013

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