When to plant Brussels sprouts for Fall?

Brussels sprouts    NC

I'm in NC and I wan't to plant some Brussels sprouts to be ready for harvest in the Fall. Can somebody please advise on the best time to plant these in zone 7b?

Posted by: Ann McIntyre (1 point) Ann McIntyre
Posted: August 1, 2013


Mmmmmm Brussels sprouts! Sprouts are cool season crops which need to develop in cool weather to ensure they develop firm, sweet tasting sprouts. Hot weather causes them to be bitter. According to NC State University, Brussels sprouts grow best in the cool mountain valleys or coastal regions of the state and for fall harvest they are set out in June or earlier depending in your location - see http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/hil/hil-6.html

Saying that, sprouts are very cold hardy and frost only makes them sweeter. Many people choose to plant them out in Fall for a winter harvest. Plant your transplants when the outside temperature is beginning to drop below 80F and let them grow as the temperatures cool. Time your seeds so that the transplants are ready for the garden around that time. The plants will quite happily tolerate several frosts and even snow.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: August 2, 2013

...following up on Lindsay's answer, here's the proof! Kale's in the basket, Diablo Brussels sprouts tucked into the crook of my right arm.

In our harsher climate, I transplanted these sprouts in May, but harvested them into February that year. I hauled myself up to the garden on snowshoes, dug 'em out of the snow, and cut the stalk close to the bottom. That's easier than pulling sprouts from the plant with bare fingers in sub-freezing temperatures.

Posted by: Peg Boyles (4 points) Peg Boyles
Posted: August 2, 2013

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
Very nice Peg!
over 10 years ago.

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