Okra disease?

Okra    Vientiane Laos

Pleas see the attached photos - what is the problem. The plants look very healthy - but now suddenly the leaves indicate that something is wrong. Please help me to identify the problem and what to do

Best regards


Posted by: Carl Mossberg (1 point) Carl Mossberg
Posted: June 9, 2015

Carl Mossberg commented,
I have now found out that the name of the disease on my Okra. It is yellow vein disease, the best way to avoid this disease in the okra plantation is to use seed, which is resistant against this disease

almost 9 years ago.


Based on pictures and your location, it may be an okra leaf mosaic, yellow-vein mosaic, something along those lines. Not sure how you might test for that your area but my research says that there isn't anything you can do other than destroy the plants. Research that problem and see what you think since you have the plants right there and I'm only viewing pictures.

Posted by: Susan League, UF/IFAS Sumter Program Assistant (1 point) Susan League, UF/IFAS Sumter Program Assistant
Posted: June 9, 2015

It is Bhendi yellow vein mosaic disease. The symptoms include alternate green and yellow patches, vein clearing, and vein chlorosis of leaves. Fruits will be dwarfed, malformed, and turn to yellow green. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is the insect vector.

Management : Infected plants must be collected and burned. Insecticides can be sprayed for vector control. Use resistant variety.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: September 13, 2015

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