Tahitian Lime trees not fruiting well

Lime, sour    Australia

We have two Tahitian lime trees in our garden in Melbourne. They are now mature, very healthy and growing vigorously. However, each tree only produces a maximum of 6-10 limes each year. The trees flower, the fruit sets but the majority of the fruit doesn't grow to maturity. What can we do to increase the harvest from these trees?

Posted by: Meg Ralph (1 point) Meg Ralph
Posted: October 7, 2014


There are a couple of things that can cause lime trees to abort fruit:

1. The simplest is that lime trees tend to produce many more blossoms and fruits than they can support, leading the tree to abort the surplus fruits.

2. Soil. Do you know the pH of your soil? If the pH is too high (alkaline) or too low (acidic) then the tree might be stressed and unable to successfully grow fruit through to maturity.

3. Watering. Lime trees get stressed uneven watering. If the tree is dry fir long periods and then suddenly soaked then it can lead to stress and fruit abortion. If rainfall is low, supplement with regular, even irrigation.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: October 7, 2014

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