Advice on planting lima beans


I started out growing bush lima bean for canning. I had some plants turn yellow and not growing as well. I also had mold. I could see it on leaves. There were also some insects around in bunches. I hear if I grow another type of plant I could grow it alongside my beans that might help me get max production this year. A canning variety is best since I grow the beans for canning. Thank you for your help in advance

Posted by: Matthew Harris (1 point) Matthew Harris
Posted: February 20, 2013


If you haven't grown beans before in your soil, you may need to add a rhizobial inoculant, which supplies the particular bacteria that helps the bean to fix nitrogen in its roots. Google "lima bean inoculant" to find sources. Some garden centers sell legume inoculants that contain a range of rhizobia for different kinds of legumes.

Plants can turn yellow for several reasons: too much water, not enough nutrients, etc. The combination of mold on the leaves and insects probably means the plants were not healthy. (Unhealthy plants have less resistance to disease and pests.) Did you plant them at the right time of year for your climate? Have you grown other crops in the soil?

Posted by: Tanya in the Garden (128 points) Tanya in the Garden
Posted: April 9, 2013

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