Help identifying blackberry insect

Blackberry    None Given

I've been seeing some of these insects in my blackberry soil, I don't know if they are beneficial or not. How to get rid of them if I had to

Posted by: reem (9 points) reem
Posted: April 30, 2014


They're sowbugs or pillbugs, both of which eat decaying organic matter. Sometimes they can damage small seedlings, but when I see them in my garden, I welcome them.

In your blackberry soil, they are definitely beneficial!


Posted by: Tanya in the Garden (128 points) Tanya in the Garden
Posted: April 30, 2014

Kathy Demchak commented,
I'd like to add that even though sowbugs and pillbugs generally only feed on dead or decaying organic matter, they will feed on soft living tissue if populations are very high. Generally, though, they are just associated with high organic matter situations, and may be brought in with a compost application or feed on mulch. If your plants are not growing well, you may want to check the root system in case there is a disease or another problem going on. But, very likely, the sowbugs just happen to be there feeding on organic matter.
almost 10 years ago.

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