Hollow cabbage heads

Cabbage (red, white, Savoy)    South east South Australia

Why were our cabbages hollow? It took them a long time to form a head, but then they flowered very quickly after forming a head, and the heads were hollow.

Posted by: Louise Rockne (1 point) Louise Rockne
Posted: September 26, 2014

Damian commented,
This is a great video series of Dr Elaine Ingham, she talks about the life in the soil and how it works. From my experience it's very easy to understand and to use which means lots of time and money saved, Here's the link to sign up: http://soilfoodwebcourse.com/reg/?p=D... Don't worry it's free!
less than a minute ago. Edit Delete

over 9 years ago.


If you have had some drastic temperature changes it might have induced flowering. The cabbage may have thought it was time to set seed so it rapidly moved through head forming stage right into flowering without forming the head properly

Posted by: Carmnicole (1 point) Carmnicole
Posted: September 27, 2014

This is called "hollow heart" and due to low fertilizer, notably boron
http://www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/A/ANR-1... (page 3)


Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: September 27, 2014

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