Best way to relocate established raspberry patch?


I have 6 established Latham raspberry plants that I unfortunately need to move due to another project I am undertaking in my garden. From what I can see early spring is the ideal time to do this, but how? Do I have to take the entire root ball or will I get away with a smaller amount. I dread dong this but they are really excellent producers. Can anybody help?

Posted by: Krissie (1 point) Krissie
Posted: March 28, 2013


Are the plants currently dormant, no buds opening or leaves flushed out? If they are dormant you are in luck and they would be much easier to dig up with minimal concern (smaller amount) and plop them into their new home. This is how I have moved my raspberries and blackberries.

If they have broken dormancy I would still dig them up to move them. Just be more concerned about damaging the roots (take the entire root ball) while digging them up and avoid letting them dry out.

Also I would prune them back to ease the stress on the roots from transplanting.

Good Luck and please comment back on this with how it turns out.

Posted by: Wurgulf (1 point) Wurgulf
Posted: March 28, 2013

Krissie commented,
The plants are still dormant yes so I would like to act as soon as possible. The consensus seems to be to take as much as possible. Excellent, thank you for your help
about 11 years ago.

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