Getting rid of unwanted mint

General    IL, Zone 8a

I have a small problem of mint growing uncontrollably all over my garden and I could really use some advice on the best method of getting rid of it. Am I going to have to dig it all out?

Posted by: Sharon Conroy (1 point) Sharon Conroy
Posted: March 8, 2013

David Hughes commented,
great question. I hate this, especially when it gets under the deck.
about 11 years ago.


Mints can be a BIG problem, Sharon.

You have two non-herbicidal methods to get rid of your invasive mint: digging it out, or smothering it.

If you have other established plants, dig them out, remove every piece of mint stem and rhizome from their root balls, and relocate them. Then dig the area deeply and thoroughly, shaking mint stems and roots from each spade of soil. Some people recommend screening each spadeful of soil. Let the area sit for a few weeks, digging or pulling any new mint plants that emerge (they will!).

Smothering will take a full season. After you've relocated any other plants you want to save, spread several overlapping layers of cardboard or a thick layer of newspaper over the entire area. Don't leave any gaps that will let the light shine through. Then cover the paper with a thick layer of leaves, straw, hay, or pine needles. If it's an area well-suited to vegetable production, you could stab small holes in the mulch, plant winter or summer squash, pumpkins, or cucumbers and let them ramble over the ground as your mint is smothering underneath.The following spring, pull or dig any mints that emerge (some will). You can either remove the mulch, or add more and plant new crops.

Best method of all: dig the mint out first, then apply the smothering mulch.

If you do enjoy having mints in your garden, try planting them in containers (submerged in soil if you like), so the rhizomes can't encroach on neighboring plants. Check the containers for cracks before you sink them into soil.

Posted by: Peg Boyles (4 points) Peg Boyles
Posted: March 8, 2013

Sharon Conroy commented,
That is what I feared.. I'm not looking forward to this!
about 11 years ago.

Learn more recipes that could benefit from fresh mint and go at it! if you keep eating it back either you or it will give up first. I have a 4 foot wide rock path surrounding my house and I'm letting the mint take over it. Once it gets within one foot of the garden it becomes food.

Posted by: Wurgulf (1 point) Wurgulf
Posted: March 28, 2013

Sharon Conroy commented,
I must admit I do like mint! I may well keep some but this is too much, it is everywhere!!
about 11 years ago.

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