How often should I rotate pepper

Pepper, bell    CO

I know that I should rotate the plants that I grow in my vegetable garden but how often is best? Can I grow pepper in the same spot as last year? I don't have much space to play with and they did very well there.

Posted by: Becca Harman (1 point) Becca Harman
Posted: March 12, 2013


Rotation is really important, not only because different plants place different demands on the soil, but especially to reduce a buildup of disease-causing organisms and insect pests that may overwinter in the soil.

So, don't plant peppers or any of their solanaceous relatives--tomatoes, eggplant, or potatoes--in the same spot this year. From painful experience, I've learned a 3-4 year rotation is best, especially for gardeners who want to maximize production from a small growing area.

Two suggestions:

!. Can you improve the other parts of your growing area to mimic the conditions that allowed your peppers to do so well? Peppers like full sun, soil rich in organic matter to retain and distribute moisture well (but not overly fertilized).

2. Peppers also do well in deep containers such as 5-gallon plastic pails, cheap sandbags filled with a good soil-less growing medium, polypropylene shopping bags (yep, really!), or even something fancier.That would allow you to position your peppers to take advantage of the best sun and light. (You could use them to edge a walk or driveway, place them atop a wall, or on the front stoop, or even as "foundation plantings" for a house.) The following year, plant cucumbers (to grow up a trellis), mixed greens, beets, carrots, or some other crop, so the containers become an extension of your current growing space.

Posted by: Peg Boyles (4 points) Peg Boyles
Posted: March 13, 2013

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