Spotting on new melon plant leaves.

Cantaloupe    Karachi, Pakistan

Plant Journal: https://www.plantvillage.com/gardens/228

I noticed these white spots on a leaf of my first and young melon plant (possibly White Honeydew). At first I thought it was the paint from the wall next to the plant but the spots are also underneath the leaf. The plant was spreading directly over the soil, I wanted to put something like hay underneath the plant's horizontal spread but found a dried and fallen betel tree stem today that I put underneath it to raise it above the wet soil. Nonetheless I think it's already catching something even though I have been putting in my healthy homemade compost.

I water it every afternoon cause I have been trying to protect the plant against the neighbour's chickens who'd peck at it and keeping the area wet would repel them so I believe the rest of the day should dry off any wetness that would cause fungus.

Could anybody tell what this is on the leaves?

Posted by: Naveed (1 point) Naveed
Posted: October 24, 2015


This looks like damage from a leaf mining insect. Here is a very extensive answer on similar damage on pepper

Can you look in more detail and provide closer up images on the white patches?

Also, are they spreading/are you getting more?

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: October 26, 2015

I think it is flea beetles damage. Quite common in Cucurbitaceae plant family. Adult insect feeds on leaves by scraping and make holes.
The insect is best controlled in small garden by brushing off beetles to small bowl of water containing liquid soap during early morning where beetles are less active.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: October 27, 2015

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